Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I'm Back!

Hi there! How are you?
I know it's been a long time but we are finally back from vacation and I promise to write weekly...let's change 'promise' to 'hope'!

So, what's new?
  • I weighed myself this morning and the sight was so rewarding and joyful, I had to step down and step up back again. And again. Once more. I would have been standing there still if not for my kids who needs me desperately whenever I'm not right next to them. Did you know that pants, a short shirt, 1 wrist watch, 2 rings and makeup can add 2 pounds (2 pounds!) to your weight? and no, it's not the diamond weight, this I can promise.
  • Schools are way under rated. If I was the education minister I would have everyone on the year round system. It's much better academically (knowledge retention), emotionally (emotional sanity of parents and guardians), socially (built in play dates) and organizationally (time wise).
  • We found a house and will start renovating soon, TV's only station currently is HGTV. Yes, even hubby watches. And I get to hold the remote - life IS beautiful!
  • Still looking for employment, have an interview today, got to go!

Stay calm, be happy, summer vacation is almost over and soon we get Hurricane Erl!
Happy Rosh Hashsana to all of you that celebrate:)
Yours truly, Sarah Brown.

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