Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Home Together

It has been a while, I know. Sorry to keep you waiting.
I've been at my job for a year now, we've been at our house for almost 6 months now, hosted many guests and as I peek from the upstairs office I can see the roof of our Sukkah with some golden red leaves decorating its top.

Some new neighbors got in the houses around us and now, when we walk the dog or do yard work (I do management and crowd control), it feels a bit like Mr. Rogers' neighborhood. It's fun to know thy neighbor, have them stop by with their dog/baby/baked goods. Especially baked goods.

Princess like dancing in front of the glass doors made into mirrors at dark, Handsome decided to invest more in his studies this year (halleluiah) but still complains about playing the piano. I like it when he masters a new piece. After all the shouting and complaining it feels good to accomplish a harmonious musical piece.

I hope all is well with you and yours. I will try to take some pictures and add them in soon:)

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